BCWD UPDATE (April 29, 2020)

..BCWD releases Adopt-A-Forest Donor Update..

BCWD releases Adopt-A-Forest Donor Update

Butuan City Water District (BCWD) has released Volume 4 No. 4 issue of Adopt-A-Forest Program’s Donor Update. This issue presents the development of the program in the last quarter of 2019.

As of 4th quarter of 2019, a total of 31 generous individuals/institutions/organizations had already donated funds to reforest 49 hectares in Taguibo River Watershed Forest Reserve (TRWFR).

Adopt-A-Forest Program in TRWFR is a 3-year tree planting and “parenting” project undertaken by BCWD for those individuals, institutions and organizations that would like to conduct tree planting activity and/or just donate or provide funds for one hectare or more hectares to be reforested in TRWFR.

Donors are advised to browse www.bcwd.gov.ph/watershed/ for updates on Adopt-A-Forest Program.

Meanwhile, concessionaires are reminded that BCWD is only implementing online billing. For concessionaires to be updated in their current billing, please access the online billing services of BCWD at its official website www.bcwd.gov.ph/obi/.

For more information, customers are advised to call the BCWD Call Center at 09189304234 / 09171888726 / (085) 3423145 / 46; 3416373 / 74 or leave / send a personal message (PM) at the official Facebook page of the Butuan City Water

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Last Update: April 29, 2020