WATER STATUS UPDATE (December 16, 2021 11:00AM)
The Taguibo Aquatech Soluations Corporation (TASC), bulk water supplier of the Butuan City Water District (BCWD), has temporarily suspended the operation of its facilities at Sitio Iyao, Brgy. Anticala, as its conveyance pipeline from the dam going to the Treatment Facility of TASC has been damaged by Typhoon Odette.
BCWD is currently operating its three (3) Pump Stations to augment water supply. As of December 16, 2021, 11:00am, the water pressure at Pump Station No. 1 is only at 10psi (68.95 kPa). As such, the entire service area of BCWD will still experience low water pressure to waterless situation.
TASC is currently conducting repairs of its damaged pipeline to be able to restore its operations.
Normal water pressure will be restored only upon resumption of TASC’s operations.
We deeply regret the inconvenience. Thank you for your continuing support to BCWD.
Total Views: 1195 Today: 1Last Update: December 17, 2021